
We want our customers 100% happy.

Your love and support is what makes Light Turtle® possible. That’s why we put our customers at the heart of everything we do.

30 Days Free Trial

We want you to love our products. If you don’t, we'll refund it. Returns or exchanges are on us, no questions asked within 30 days.

90 Days Price Guarantee

If you find a lower price within 90 days of your purchase, we’ll gladly match that price.

Free Shipping

With the exception of a few areas, we offer free shipping when orders exceed $99.

Direct-To-Consumer Approach

We took the direct-to-you approach. No marked-up manufacturers. No Distributors and Retailers. Also, our products are made with the same or better top-quality materials as other premium brands.

Light Turtle® Comfort Homies

We care so much about your comfort and you happiness, so we build a team called Comfort Homies. Comfort Homies team is your go-to when you need a recommendation, a refund, or just a reason to smile. Seriously, reach out. Even just to say hi.

Free shipping

Free & Fast worldwide shipping Over 99$

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